Your Safety and Experience
We are especially sensitive to the comfort and safety of all our clients when they attend the clinic at DR Dental South Yarra.
In these Covid 19 times, we ensure the safety of our clients by following International Standard Precautions as advised by the ADA:
- Wipe down of all seating with TGA approved spray (99% effective for Covid)
- Hand hygiene for staff and patients
- Use of appropriate PPE when treating patients in clinical rooms
- We perform a ULV fog spray before, at lunch and at the end of each clinical session
- Patients are asked to wear disposable booties to protect our clinical environments from shoe exposure to street dirt
- Temperature checks on arrival as well as ensuring social distancing is respected in our clinical areas
- Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
- Management of waste through specialized collection and management companies
- Full autoclave sterilisation systems
We take pride in our commitment to a sustainable healthy environment in which to take care of our patients including freshly preparing organic tea and Chai with the option of lactose free milk as well as freshly brewed Espresso, Latte’s and alkaline water from our own in house filtration systems.
Please ask at arrival of your appointment for any of the above to enable you to relax in our waiting areas enjoying Netflix or Youtube, if so inclined.